Tom Stryker’s Free 17-0 ATS NFL System Play


How many times have you heard the phrase, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fit it?”  It’s a simple seven-word sentence that just makes sense.

There are times when we simply try to outsmart a certain situation and end up screwing it up in the process.  If you just leave things alone and ride it out until it needs to be changed, you can take advantage of it several times before it fails.  That stands true with the System of the Week.

On Monday night, I was banging away at my NFL Database looking for a spot where an undefeated team, early in the season, can fall.  I must have run 50 or 60 searches and nothing exciting really popped.  Maybe I was just tired, but it was at that point where I decided NOT to try and call the turn.  Instead, I switched gears and looked for a way to “play on” these undefeated teams.  You’re not going to believe what I found.  Take a look:

Since 1980, PLAY ON any NFL undefeated game four home underdog or favorite priced at -6.5 or less.

40 Year ATS Record = 35-13 ATS for 72.9 percent

This Week’s Play = CHICAGO and TENNESSEE

There are three simple parameters that can be added to this technical situation that bring it to perfection.  If our “play on” side is matched up against a non-division opponent, enter off a straight up win of three points or more and their opponent is not off a straight up loss of three points or more, this system jets to a golden 17-0 ATS for 100.0 percent!  Of those two teams, only the Bears apply to that amazing set of thighteners.

Remember, if it ain’t broke, don’t try and fix it.  Good luck with Da Bears on Sunday!

Systems like these can be found weekly in Tom’s Pre-Game Report newsletter.  Be sure to order your full season subscription today!