The impressive roster of Lee Stryker, Mickey McGannon, Trey Johnson, Dan Tesinferno and Tom Stryker combine forces to bring you one of the most elite Late Phone Services in the country. On a weekly basis, the TSPC will provide you with theTOP College and Pro selection from five of the nation’s best handicappers. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill investments. The plays you’ll receive in the TSPC are the cream of the crop. Once the regular season begins in September, you’ll be getting the five best college and five best NFL games on the board. Every Game of the Year is included too. If you want the best-of-the-best weekly, then the TSPC is for you.
2024 Team Stryker Football Power Club
The Team Stryker Power Club (TSPC) is for the sports investor that wants only the best. Lee Stryker, Mickey McGannon, Trey Johnson, AJ Stryker, and Tom Stryker combine forces to bring you their strongest releases in College and Pro Football. This includes every “Game of the Year” selection and is designed for those sports investors that only want the STRONGEST plays. These top-rated Best Bets are released Friday after 6 PM EST and Saturday and Sunday at 11 AM EST and are available through Super Bowl Sunday.
2025 Team Stryker Basketball Power Club
The Team Stryker Power Club (TSPC) is for the sports investor that wants only the best. Lee Stryker, Mickey McGannon, Trey Johnson, AJ Stryker, and Tom Stryker combine forces to bring you their strongest releases in basketball. This includes every “Game of the Year” selection in the NCAA and NBA. These top-rated Best Bets are released Monday through Friday after 4 PM EST and Saturday and Sunday at 11 AM EST and are available through the end of March Madness.